Yall know whats crazy? The fact that the Mikutchi (Miku tamagotchi) is going for over $100-$200 USD on the aftermarket. wtf??? I got mine for $50 and I STILL think I overpaid for it (I unfortunately bought mine at the end of December 2023. I missed my chance to buy it at $25 USD)【Tuesday】
Bought an ita bag. I know I've said this about my nendoroid orders and never did it, but I MIGHT write a blog post about the bag lol
I've had Twisted Wonderland brainrot for the past month.
Mom got her and I tickets to the Sonic 3 fan event at AMC on the 19th....GET HERE ALREADYYYYY
I really like the style of Japanese blogging websites...maybe I could make a new layout inspired by them?
Might redo some pages over my winter break. I think a few (like the about page) are due for an update.
Stressed with life rn
Went and just bought 808 from GS global since I'm tired of waiting for that preorder to come in to GS US. Taking wayyy too long for my liking. Praying Shadow and Kadoc have a better time getting to US.【Monday】
Probably going to make a blog post about her when she gets here :)
808 Nendoroid get here already pleeeeease
Oh there are so many things I'd say about you. If I wasn't trying to pretend to be normal.【Friday】

Happy Halloween! I did not make a costume this year, so I'm once again going to be handing candy out as an angsty early adult lmao
My copy of Sonic x Shadow Gens finally came in. I will not be normal for the next month.
I'm thinking about making blog entries about the Nendoroids I've preordered when they come in. It'd be cool to write about them.
Gamestop processed my preorder for Sonic x Shadow Gens today. It's almost time...
They released a new Chococat BAB. Oh no.【Thursday】
Update: I bought him

Surprisingly, they still had plenty of him in-stock at my BAB. I know Chococat isn't super popular (at least, not as popular as Kuromi or Cinnamoroll, etc.) but I expected him to be out by the afternoon.
Been playing too much P3R recently.
MYK-IV custom plush is real now <333. His hair is a little wonky, but otherwise, my wife is real :D

Dude, I can't believe it's going to be my birthday on Sunday. I swear this month JUST started-
I'm going to be so ill【Friday】

Chat remind me to draw their new designs before the 25th hits.
Side note but I think they should have called it Jam n Fizz instead of Jam & Fizz. It rolls off my midwestern tongue better.
Well. I start therapy on tuesday, which feels a little overdue, to be honest.
Holy shit. September in 2 days. How did that happen. That means I'll be 19 soon *dies*【Friday】
Anyways VoiSona merchandise came in.

There's some extra content in the back of the book, like this page where they have the different nicknames each character has for the others.

Woke up to a new pop'n game teaser WHAT???【Monday】

My sister is trying to use me as a proxy service now. There's some VoiSona merch I had in my Booth cart and she asked if I could get her one of the Chis-A acrylic standees and the Kirune keychain. As long as she can pay for her half of the order...fine.
I hope when any of my neocities followers see pop'n music stuff online, they think of me
Chat I start college tomorrow. This is scary.
Ok 1) I uhhh start college on Monday. That terrifies me.【Friday】
and 2)

I'm going insane as we speak.
I have the urge to make a MYK-IV shrine. To be completely honest, I've been thinking about him constantly. I have a genuine crush on him and I don't know how to handle this.
Thinking about redoing my spacehey layout.
Hello sunny parkers. I'm about to be ANNOYING today.【Friday】
My package came in today!

I'm so happy it finally got through customs, and is now in my hands. Especially MYK-IV, my beloved.
Took this picture for MFC, but here's all of the stuff in the MYK-IV box:

In other news: the blink-182 concert I got tickets to for Christmas is tonight! I'm very excited :)
Last night my package updated, and it's in the US now. Trying to wait very patiently for my beloved to get here (MYK-IV <333). And the Pokemon keychains I ordered too.
I hope Macne Nana gets an update someday. I think if she got a SV vb, it'd be cool, especially with the cross language functionality. Considering Miki and Kiyoteru are going to SV, it COULD happen.
Bought VOCALOID6 the other night. I was trying it out + the GekiyakuV and KazehikiV set (someone on Vocaverse sent me them) and, getting past my initial "oh they just reused the V5 UI and design", I prefer some aspects of V6 to V4, which is what I was already using.【Thursday】
Yes, I already have all of Kazehiki's UTAU banks. However, my counterpoint: I like the way he sounds on V6. I haven't used GekiyakuV much, since I mainly bought that V6 starter pack for KazehikiV lol.
I am. Also trying to wait so patiently for my boxed copy of MYK-IV to get here. I need my beloved...
Good news: I feel a little less burnt out now.【Saturday】
Today, I'm going to force myself to finish those new site logo assets. I'm going to keep procrastinating otherwise.
I've also closed the DSring. It's gotten to be a little stressful for me right now, and I'm closing it temporarily until I can get a handle on my site stuff. Once I'm not so overwhelmed with that...then maybe it'll reopen. Can't guarantee anything, though.
I just feel so burnt out. Working on my site feels like a chore.
Guess who got sick this weekend.【Sunday】
I'm planning on what new logo assets to draw up (since my current site header logo design isn't very accurate anymore). I'm thinking a TV with the site name next to it.
Happy July 4th to any other Americans here. I'm back from my vacation. We went to Boston, and stayed in Canada for the night on our way there. It was...neat, I guess. The whole trip was more stressful than fun for me, at least. My constant foot pain did not help one bit.
Trying to patiently wait for the wappydog i ordered to come in the mail...
Let's go. I got more pop'n merchandise comin in. I got a free ticket for konakure from the e amuse app (It's a login stamp campaign. If I log in, I can get free play tickets), and I won one of the UniLab blankets!【Tuesday】

I'm probably going to try and get some of the pop'n and sdvx buttons, since those are still in stock. Wish they'd restock the UniLab mimi and nyami + mzd acrylic standees, though...
Guess who got to go back to round1 today!【Monday】
I really really wish the closest round1 to me wasn't 2 hours away, because I really enjoy being able to play all of my rhythm games there. I got to play more Sound Voltex, after not playing it for a while. Playing Dancerush and DANCE aROUND was also pretty fun. One day...Indiana will get a round1, or I'll end up moving somewhere with a round1, and I will be happy.
It's my second day out of high school. I've been catching up on some games, trying to clear out some of my backlog before I start playing more games lol. My games page is going to get an overhaul in the next while, since I'm starting to dislike it's layout.
I've got 3 more days of high school...part of me is conflicted on how to feel. At least I'll have time to work on my site this summer, before college starts...
Guess who forgot to write in here again lmao【Tuesday】
I bought a DSi on Saturday! I really enjoy using it, and I'm happy I found one for $34 (pretty cheap for a Nintendo console ngl). I also want to get back into playing Splatoon regularly, since I rarely touch it nowadays lol.
I'm in the last stretch of 12th grade, and I'm almost free...I may not update the site for a bit to focus on school work, or at least no heavy updates. Once school is done, I'm planning on doing some major overhauling of some things :)
I wonder if I should change my diary theme to something that isn't Lapistoria...maybe in June...
The storms here in the good ol' midwest are starting to be dumb again. Happened last year and it's happening again this year where we have small tornado threats. Woke up in the middle of the night from it HAILING outside my house.【Wednesday】
I've been in some really bad pain lately with my foot. It might just be bad shoes, but god. It hurts to walk and stand. I really hope it's just shoes and nothing else.
I'm going through some Sonic brainrot right now, and I'm a little tempted to change my site theme too, but I don't really wanna get rid of the Pop'n theming, since I finally found a site theme I really like orz
I feel like April Fool's day isn't really...a thing around me anymore? At least not during school. Which is odd. You'd think high school would be the PERFECT place to prank people. Anyways, I'm sick of the pranks. It's not really a super funny day online at least (it's all just people spreading misinformation that could genuinely be exciting but then it's all just "oh lol it's fake"). Maybe I'm just too grumpy nowadays...
Time flies wayyyy too fast. At least it's felt like that for me lately.【Saturday】
I'm almost done with my Splatoon shrine. Just gotta finish my Splatoon oc pages, and it'll be done. Having to make art for those pages is gonna be annoyinggg, though. I also started working on general oc pages, too. I'd prefer to have my character info here too, instead of solely on toyhouse, since I don't update it super duper often.
Ok, I'm back from my trip. I think I'm tired of Disney World at this point lol. I found ONE piece of Oswald merch I didn't already have >:(. How am I supposed to grow my Oswald shrine if they don't make stuff of him? I'm quite exhausted from coming back home, and it's late, so this is gonna be short. I'll get back to working on my site tomorrow :)
Oh I just...completely forgot to write in this thing lol.【Saturday】
We're heading off to Florida later, for spring break vacation. I can't wait to just sleep on the plane.
I bought some really cute Sonic and Shadow keychains on etsy the other day, and I've just been waiting for them to get here. I've wanted them since February last year, and I'm finally getting them :)
It's finally March, which means I'm just closer to graduating high school, and getting outta there! May 20th...please just get here already...【Saturday】
I really really like my new drawing monitor, I just wish it came with a stand. Huion is selling the stand for $60 though. A little too expensive for me at the moment. I really hope I can get a stand soon, at least.
I got a new drawing monitor today! It's a Huion tablet, just like my other one. I'm getting used to drawing directly on the screen pretty well! Hopefully this will help me get back to making more art in March lol
How is February almost done already?【Tuesday】
I've been so focused on updating other pages I keep forgetting to write here.
To add onto my first entry, I started playing Side Order, and I'm currently trying to beat the last few palettes I have to do! It's been a very fun DLC so far, I'm having a blast with it. I also did beat Stray. And I cried. The cat game made me cry. A game hasn't been able to do that in years.
If nobody noticed the update on my neocities profile the other day, I started to remake the Splatoon shrine! I have a lot more pages to finish, but at least there's some progress being made! Figured I'd work on that one first because the Pop'n shrine...that'll take forever to finish with how many ideas I've got for it.
Today was pretty quiet. Went to the mall to exchange a shirt for a different size at Hot Topic (bought it but whoops, it was a tad bit too small). Got a cool DDR shirt while I was there, though.【Saturday】
I also went to a fabric store to buy some cotton brown yarn to make the hair for the MZD doll I'm making. I'm worried the hair will be too difficult for me to work on, but who knows? It might turn out well.
I've been chatting on misskey servers a lot lately, and god, it's so refreshing how much more positive and nice everyone is compared to English-speaking twitter. It's so much calmer, and I've already made at least one good mutual there.
First diary entry here wooo【Friday】
Figured i’d make a diary that’s separate from my blog, and leave that for site updates and announcements. this is just for my stupid rambles.
Life hasn’t been super eventful for me lately. it’s been the same old, same old. I’m really excited for the Splatoon 3 DLC to release next week, but c'mon. It’s my normal “get a game and play it” routine. I also finally started playing Stray the other night. I bought it back in…what? December? I just kinda had it installed on my laptop, sitting there unplayed. It’s pretty good so far, bit of a slow start though.
I've also been working on some pages behind the scenes, believe me, some new stuff WILL come. When it will release, though, I cannot tell you.