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【Monday, 11:20 AM】 | Gaming

I diIt is so, so cold outside today, which means it's perfect for just sitting inside and playing games!

I figured out how to get WiiFlow working on my vwii, and got Mario Kart Wii up and running. I am...not good at it, since I'm used to MK8DX's controls, but I'm sure I'll figure it out. I had to brush at least 7 inches of snow off of my car earlier, and I'm ready to just relax and not do anything for a few hours.

I also restarted Pokemon Black, since I wasn't happy with my progress. I was struggling quite a bit with it. I think I'm too used to how the 3DS Pokemon games work (EXP share I miss youuu ToT). I must push through...I need to see him (N <33)

Also nobody told me BW has a drawing area in the player card menu??? I never knew about that.
I drew Zorua in it :)

Now...If anyone needs me...I'll be drifting down the highway in MKW lol
Which game am I currently playing?: Pokemon Black
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